The Seven Seal Judgements
The first six seals of tribulation are followed by the rapture and then the cataclysmic events of the 7th seal prophecies in Revelation 6 and Matthew.
1st Seal - False Peace
White Horse Bow Crown ConqueringOne false messiah of many will be crowned. Some will call him the Antichrist, although the word 'antichrist' will apply to many people and thigns that are against Christ or instead of Christ. The ancient translation can mean a replacement, or someone who pretends to be Christ.
Matthew 24 : 4-5 Rev 6:1-22nd Seal - Worldwide War
Bright red horse. Great Horse, Take peace from the earth. Matthew 24 : 6-7 Rev 6:3-4The Antichrist rises to power "Great Sword" of destruction.
3rd Seal - Famine
Black Horse, Famine, Balance Matthew 24 : 7 Rev 6:5-6Famine, poverty, rationing. Earthquakes Economic collapse.
4th Seal - Earthquakes and Death
Pale Horse. Death and Hades. Death over 1/4 of the EarthThe gospel is preached. "Stand firm until the end"
Matthew 24 : 7 Rev 6:7-85th Seal - Divine Judgement
Souls of martyrs under the altar Matthew 24 : 9 Rev 6:9-11Martyr's question "How long until you avenge our blood?"
Tesimony of the saints. The word, The Blood of Jesus, martyrdom.
6th Seal - Darkening or the Skies
Signs in the heavens, Sun moon stars. Matthew 24 : 29 Rev 6:12-17Dark sun , blood red moon. Falling stars. Sky rolls up and men hide.
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